iBET Casino BID Baccarat Game of iAG Malaysia
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Free Register iBET , Join iAG BID Baccarat Game (http://w89.ibet5888.com/)
After entering into iAG play room in iBET, click BID on left side, and see a total of 6 gambling tables for BID baccarat.
Your points must exceed 5000 to participate in BID; if your bet is the highest in this round, it just like visiting Malaysia’s Genting Casino and enjoying Mi Card!
Or you have a choice to do side bet.

iBET Casino BID Baccarat Game of iAG Malaysia
Every gambling table has DILA and female anchor that can be divided into Mandarin or English. You can chat with female anchor by typing. This can increase light and lively atmosphere in nervous and stimulating baccarat.

BID Baccarat Game of iBET iAG
iBET Casino iAG BID Baccarat
Betting Patterns
- There are two betting patterns in BID baccarat:Join & Side bet;
- If the table is empty (No. of player is 0), only “Join” pattern can be selected. Players can “Join” the table only if his/her balance is no less than the minimum 3. 3. VIP credit requirement. If the table is full (No. of player is 7), only “side bet” can be selected. If all the “Join betting” players leave the table, the side betting player will be kicked out immediately, in case that he/she has placed no bets.
- Otherwise, the side betting player will be kicked out until this game circle is over, in case he/she has placed bet. Players can either select “Join” or “Side bet” in other cases.
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iBET Casino iAG Bet limit
- Join betting:the bet limit is defined by the table, and won’t be subject to the odd limit.
- Side betting:the bet limit is the intersection of the odd limit and the corresponding limit of different wager types.
iBET Casino iAG MiCard(Reveal Cards)
- Only Join betting players can reveal cards;
- If different players place wagers on the same hand(Banker’s hand/Player’s hand) , the player whose amount is bigger can get the chance to reveal cards of corresponding hand.
- If different players place the same amount of wagers on the same hand, the player who confirms the bets earlier can get the chance to reveal cards.
- If one player places the same amount of wager on Banker’s hand and Player’s hand separately, then the player can get the chance to reveal the cards of Player’s hand by default.(On the premise that other players place no wager on Banker’s hand and Player’s hand, or their wager amount is less than this player. )
Additional function
Wait me:during the betting time, players can click the “wait me” button to ask for another 10s for bet.
Open Cards:
1. Only seated players have rights to “open cards”
2. When players click “open cards”, the dealer will decide whether to open cards or to wait for other players to bet according to the betting situation.
You can also refer to the video of iBET Casino iAG BID Baccarat on site:
*For more information please contact iBET 24H Customer Service.