iBET online casino iAG(Asia Gaming) VIP Baccarat Game
Asia Gaming, Baccarat, iAG, iBET, ibet casino, ibet Malayisa, iBET Mobile, VIP
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After entering into iAG play room in iBET, click VIP on left side, and see a total of gambling tables for baccarat.

iBET online casino iAG(Asia Gaming) VIP Baccarat Game
Your points must exceed 10,000 to bet VIP, or you have a choice to do side bet.
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iBET iAG VIP Baccarat
Betting Patterns
- There are two betting patterns in VIP baccarat:Reserve、Join 、Side bet;
- If the table is empty (No. of player is 0), only “Reserve” pattern can be selected.
- If the table is full (No. of player is 7), only “side bet” can be selected.
- Players can either select “Join” or “Side bet” in other cases.
- When the VIP table owner leaves, all other players in the table will be forced to leave and go back to lobby.
Bet limit
- Reserve betting /Join betting:the bet limit is defined by the table, and won’t be 2. subject to the odd limit.
- Side betting:the bet limit is the intersection of the odd limit and the corresponding limit of different wager types.
Additional function to the host of the reserved table
- Reveal cards :only reserve betting players can reveal cards;
- Skip: open cards without bets.
- Settings: set Reveal card manually、reveal card vertically、and set password.
- Change Dealer:change the current dealer;
- Shuffle:If the current shoe has lasted over 30 games, the host can ask for shuffle.
You can also refer to the video of iBET Casino iAG VIP Baccarat on site:
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